| 06-08-2024

मुसहरको मुहारमा खुसी

मुखियापट्टी मुसहरनिया गाउँपालिका वडा नं. ३ धनुषाका २२ घरधुरी भुमिहिन दलित मुसहरहरू सदियौ देखि उक्त स्थानमा (तुल्सिहानी जब्दि) बस्दै आएका हुन । प्रति ब्यक्ति २ देखि ३ धुर जमिनमा अस्थाई घर बनाई बसेको उनिहरूको परिबार संख्या भने ५\६ जनाको थियो । पानी, बिजुली, चर्पी आदिजस्तो सामान्य सुबिधा पनि नभएका मुसहरहरू दैनिक ज्याला मजदुरी गरी जीविकोपार्जन गर्दै आएका थिए । आफ्नै घरमा बस्ने उनिहरूको सपना भएता पनि सपना साकार हुन सकेको थिएन । फियान नेपालको सहजिकरण र मुसहरहरूको निरन्तर पैरबीले हाल उनीहरू स्थायी घरको जग हाल्दै छन्, स्थानीय सरकारको सहयोगमा रोजगारी, खानेपानीको धारा, चर्पी प्राप्त गरेका छन् । जिल्ला नापी कार्यालय धनुषाले जग्जा नापजाँच गरी जग्जा भोगचलनको निस्सा उपलब्ध गराएको छ, बालबालिकाहरू नियमित स्कूल जान थालेका छन् ।
Altogether 22 landless Musahar (Terai Dalit) families are living hardship life with possessing/occupying approx 2-3 Dhur (182 square feet) of land since 5 generations in small huts. However, these families do not have land ownership certificate of the land. Therefore, due to lack of land ownership certificate these families are deprived of access to resource and services being provided by government such as shelter, subsidized loan, fertilizer, seeds, electricity, drinking water, livelihood support programs etc. which is key source of food production to support and contribute for their livelihood. Landless Mushar together with FIAN Nepal and district right to food network (Dhanusa) have been raising their issue to the concerned governments at local and province level demanding to provide land ownership certificate, safe housing, drinking water, education and sustainable livelihood support and so on. As a result, their land has been measured by district land measurement office (Dhanusa), local government allocated budget for the house construction and also providing job to the Mushar communities. Local and province government supporting Mushar to install the drinking water tap, toilet, and education for children

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