Our Vision, Mission, Goal

Our Vision:

We envision a ‘Hunger-free Nepal with Food Sovereignty

Our Mission:

We contribute towards food sovereignty in Nepal from the right to food perspective in particular for vulnerable people through people centric activism, advocacy and monitoring. FIAN stands against discriminatory, exploitative and exclusionary policies and practices – both institutional and customary, which prevent people from feeding themselves in dignity.

We contribute for the realization of right to food in Nepal through people centric activism, advocacy and monitoring. FIAN stands against discriminatory, exploitative and exclusionary policies and practices – both institutional and customary, which prevent people from feeding themselves in dignity.

Our Goal:

People have increased access and control over resources and enhanced meaningful participation to ensure their right to food.

Our Values:

FIAN Nepal embraces the right to food as imperative to ensure the right to life and dignity. This is expressed through FIAN Nepal’s slogan in Nepali:

बाँच्न पाउने अधिकारको आधारः खाद्य अधिकार

FIAN Nepal’s work is guided by the following values:

  • Zero wastage of food
  • Integrity
  • Non- violence – Do no harm
  • Acceptance and respect of diversity
  • Issues raised and led by the Concerned Community

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