Food-first Information and Action Network(FIAN) Nepal is a member-based human rights organisation to promote and advocate for the realization of the human right to food in Nepal. It has no political or religious affiliations. In December 2008, FIAN Nepal acquired legal status as non profit making non-governmental organisation from Kathmandu District Administration Office. FIAN Nepal was recognised as National Section of FIAN International in October 2009, where the International Secretariat is based in Heidelberg, Germany.
The human right to adequate food and the right to be free from hunger are the fundamental human right enshrined in the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR) 1966, and many other international human rights instruments.
In Nepal, poverty and hunger is only not due to insufficient food production but largely because of systemic marginalisation and exclusion that denies people from accessing natural and productive resources and means to feed themselves in dignity. Therefore, FIAN Nepal strives for equal opportunity for all peasants in Nepal their right to food to produce or to purchase safe, sufficient and nutritious food that is culturally acceptable, for an active and healthy life.
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