Qualifying Casework

One of the core works of FIAN Nepal is the case-based approach to tackle human right to food violations at local level. This comprises of case documentation and casework interventions. It is a foundation to support vulnerable communities in reducing and/or overcoming their right to food violations. FIAN Nepal responds to and takes up Right to Food related violation issues that have been reported by media or when requested by local struggle communities/individual.

Case documentation – an instrumental process in bringing Right to Food violation issues in the public. It involves contacts establishing with the local struggle groups/ individuals, orientation, data collection, mapping and analyzes concrete cases of human right to food violations at first hand. Through this process, the vulnerable communities are indirectly sensitized and empowered about their Right to Food. The affected communities then begin to learn, organize and start to take actions towards reducing/overcoming Right to Food violations by themselves (i.e. dialogues and negotiations with the concern parties at local level).

Strengthening capacity of affected communities and collaboration with local CSOs have led to affected communities taking up the struggle for their right to food – understanding that they have to advocate /organise themselves and with some linkages can access government’s resources, as a right.

Case work methodology is becoming clearer with multitude of processes involved e.g. issue/case identification / selection, documentation, analysis of RtF violations from legal perspective, strategising the interventions including facilitating the capacity strengthening of “affected communities” to lead, defend, protect and seek justice for their RtF, frequent follow-up and re-strategising). Through this process RtF violation issue is brought in the public, the community is engaged to learn about their RtF and take actions towards reducing/addressing the RtF violation. FIAN Nepal has to develop an exit strategy as cases are led by the affected communities. Also linking /networking of affected communities to local CSO/RtF Network to access resources and services from government, and mini-budget to initiate actions by the affected communities – processes / methodologies for all have to be considered. In this, take support of the local level RtF promoters (organisations) and establish good linkages to district level policy /implementation processes is required. It is necessary to research and document violations of the different dimensions of the right to adequate food in paradigmatic cases in Nepal, and to use the full range of instruments being offered by human rights to effectively defend people’s and communities’ right to food.

The following thematic areas focused in RtF violation case documentation/case works:

  1. RtF of vulnerable groups of Indigenous peoples, women and Dalits – focusing on access to natural resources
  • RtF and Land and Forest issues – of landless, small holder farmers, land grabbing, community forest /protected areas
  • RtF and Water issues – drinking water, irrigation water, dam /river flooding, river privatization related RtF violations
  1. Access to productive resources and means: Agriculture sector – focusing on seed, small scale irrigation, fertiliser, crop failure / compensation etc.)
  • Access to government services
  1. From “Right to employment” perspective and labour as resource assess RtF violations in informal sector
  2. Issues of safety net and nutrition to marginalised groups mainly HIV/Aids affected and marginalised / endangered communities
  3. Issue related to adequacy of food – mainly adulteration of food and
  4. Issues related to access and equitable distribution of “food aid” in selected  cases

Throughout the casework a strong gender and ETO issues (as appropriate) will be reflected

  • List of cases documented
  • List of casework and updates

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