| 17-03-2020

National Consultation on Universal Periodic Review with Government and Human Rights Institutions

Third cycle Review on Universal Periodic Review with coordination from 3 coalition members and other civil society organizations one day National Level Consultation on UPR with CSOs was conducted on 28 February 2020 in Kathmandu. The program was conducted with coordination and collaboration with CAHURASTA Nepal, WOREC Nepal, DRCFC/NIWF, Felm, The Lutheran World Federation, FIAN Nepal, Right Here Right Now and Beyond Beijing Committee.  INSEC is coordinating the secretariat for UPR Reporting in Nepal on behalf of CSOs.

In the consultation, representatives from CSOs, Government and NHRIs shared their inputs, concerns, and agendas to be incorporated in the UPR report. The session was facilitated and the technical process was updated by INSEC. Chairperson of National Human Rights Commission, Honorable Mr. Anup Raj Sharma said, “Sharing the report among CSOs and NHRIs is fruitful to ensure quality contents. NHRC is coordinating for UPR reporting in Nepal and will refer such evidence-based reports during the finalization of the status of human rights status. CSOs and NHRIs should enhance their coordination for promoting human rights friendly environment in Nepal”.

Koshal Chandra Subedi, Joint Secretary from Office of the Prime Minister and Council of Ministers said, “The environment of sharing culture among the representatives of government, CSOs and NHRIs during UPR and other treaties reporting symbolize positive perception of Nepal Government towards human rights. Nepal government is implementing previous recommendations of UPR with honesty and its level of capacity”.

There were representatives from Nepal Army, Nepal Police, Ministries, and NHRIs in the consultation. INSEC Chairperson Dr. Indira Shrestha also Chair of the event shared that collective advocacy by CSOs on treaty reporting will enhance the government accountability towards promotion, protection, and fulfillment of human rights as declared in UDHR. National Human Rights Commission representatives shared the implementation status of UPR Recommendations in Nepal. CSO representatives shared that the culture of coalition for reporting to the international treaties, mechanisms from civil society has contributed to enhancing the state’s accountability.

During the session, overall discussion on Human Rights Situation and way forward shared by the Director of National Human Rights Commission and followed by the roles and strategic plan of Human Rights activities and Government priority by the Chairperson of National Human Rights Commission. Secretary National Women Commission Mr. Deependra Kafle also shared priority-based activities and strategic planning of the Commission.

During the consultation:

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