The Regulation of Right to Food and Food Sovereignty Act, 2018 on behalf of Civil Society submitted to the Ministry of Agriculture Development and Livestock for further consideration
Nepal government had enacted the Right to Food and Food Sovereignty Act, 2018 within a time frame that was mandated to ensure the fundamental rights provisioned in the constitution. Furthermore, the Ministry of Agriculture Development and Livestock shall formulate regulation for the practical implementation of that act. In the absence of rules and regulations, there is always exist the risk of violation of the human right to food and no mechanisms avail to claim the right. Considering the fact, FIAN Nepal, holding the secretariat of Civil Societies working group on Right to Food, drafted and finalized the CSO version of the regulation with the spirit of constitution and Right to Food and Food Sovereignty Act, 2018 in consultation with stakeholders which was submitted to the newly appointed Honorable Minister Mr. Ghana Shyam Bhushal in his office on 26 November 2019.
The delegation team was accompanied by the representatives of NGO Federation, National Network on Right to Food, Dalit NGO Federation, National Farmers Group Federation Nepal (NFGFN), etc. Chairperson of All Nepal Peasant Association (ANPFa) and former Agriculture Minister Mr. Hari Parajuli handed over the CSO version regulation on behalf of Civil Society. Mr. Parajuli expressed his congratulations and best wishes to the newly appointed Minister of Agriculture Development and Livestock on behalf of all delegates and said that the Civil Society Organizations have been raising the issue of the right to food and food sovereignty for a long time and will continue lobby advocacy in the coming days. He further stated that the CSO version regulation was prepared based on the needs of farmers and the agricultural sector as well as the experiences from all over the stakeholders’ consultation. He expressed the belief that the document would be a good reference material for the Ministry during the formulation of the regulation of the Right to Food and Food Sovereignty Act, 2018.
Accepting the CSOs version regulation from civil society members, Hon’ble Minister said that the document will be considered as basic reference material for the rules and regulations to be prepared by the Ministry and during the process, the Ministry will continuously seek constructive participation and feedback of CSOs. He also expressed his commitments for the effective implementation of the act and regulation with necessary mechanisms to ensure right to food and food sovereignty based on the commitments made by government nationally and internationally taking support from every possible sector.
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