Covid19 Activities

FIAN Nepal initiated responding the pandemic by issuing press release to all concerned stakeholders as well as a public awareness such as Public Service Announcement (PSA) and continuing broadcasting through FM Radio stations all over the country. As of today, FIAN Nepal has implemented series of activities for monitoring the impact of COVID 19 on right to food.

  • 8 April 2020, Network of Human Rights Organizations in Banke district jointly issued a press statement urging government to ensure human rights including right to food during the situation of lockdown as a effect of COVID19.
  • 20 April 2020, a team of HR network of Banke district jointly monitored quarantine site made in border area where 181 people are kept. During the interaction with the quarantined people, they told that the quarantine site is not well managed. On the same day, the team visited Nepalgunj Sub Metropolitan City and found that the relief distribution has not been adequate and not systematic. Low waged labors lost their daily jobs due to lockdown and deprived of their right to food. The collected information has been shared with Mayor of the Sub Metropolitan he committed that the relief distribution will focus to the most vulnerable with systematic distribution.
  • 24 April 2020, FIAN Nepal team from regional office joined monitoring team of Human Rights Organizations of Banke and monitored at Khajura RM of Banke District and interacted with health persons on the management of quarantine site made at Sushil Koirala Memorial Cancer Hospital. Also, the team interacted with farmers of the rural municipality and they said that they lost the access of market due to lockdown and vegetable productions were decaying at the storage. The information has been shared with the Chairperson of the Rural Municipality.
  • 26 April 2020, FIAN Nepal team of Regional Office visited Baijanath Rural Municipality, ward no. 6 of Banke district and interacted with RtF Groups and found that the vulnerable Dalit communites are not getting adequate relief food items. Similarly, on the same day, the team has monitored Kohalpur Municipality and interaction was made with Mayor. The findings of the monitoring was shared.
  • 28 April 2020, FIAN Nepal staff Bajura district jointly with media persons visited quarentine sites and found that the people kept in Trishakti quarantine are getting date expire foods. The team immideatly infored the situation to Chief District Officer and he committed that person/orgnization involved in food adulteration will be taken action.
  • 30 April 2020, FIAN Nepal jointly with District RtF Network of Kanchanpur district monitored Bhimdutta Municipality ward nos. 5, 12 &13 and found that lockdown is strictly followed by the people, quarantine sites are well managed. However, relief food items distribution found unsystematic due to lack of identification of vulnerable groups. The ultra poor and vulnerable among the vulnerable are deprived to get relief food items. The findings has been shared with Mayor of the Municipality on the same day.
  • 30 April 2020 – HIV Case, Bhudinanda Municipality, Bajura
  • 7 -8 April 2020, FIAN Nepal staff in Bajura district visited Free Haliya RtF Group & Small Holder farmers deprived of Seed/fertilizer RtF Group at Budhinanda Municipality, Bajura. Free Haliya communities are found vulnerable from right to food due to lockdown. The findings has been raised in media and as a concequence a local NGO initiated relief distribution. Similarly, it is found that Budhinanda Municipality distributed relief to Small Holder farmers.
  • 4 May 2020, a team of human rights organization and FIAN Nepal visited Thakre Rural Municipality of Dhading district together with Member of Federal Parliament Hon. Bhumi Pd. Tripathi and found that vegetable production affected by unidentified disease. Hon. Member of Parliament Mr. Tripathi immediately informed Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development to take necessary action along with compensation package to the affected farmers. (Watch youtube video)
  • 8 May 2020 – The impact report of COVID19 at Sudur Paschim Province submitted to Ministry of Law and Internal Affairs of Sudur Paschim Province (Read News). Hon. Minister Mr. Prakash Shah accepted the report and committed that to consider the recommendations provided during facilitating vulnerable groups to cop up the situation of COVID 19.
  • 14 May 2020, FIAN Nepal visited Dhangadhi Sub Metropolitan City after media highly covered news of stalled rice is being distributed in market. The team of monitoring immediately raised the issue with a press release jointly with Media RtF Network of Sudur Paschim Province. Please find the link for press release

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