| 04-11-2017

10th Glorious Years on Promoting Right to Food

The year 2017 has been an important year for FIAN Nepal. Two auspicious reasons, 10th glorious years of FIAN Nepal promoting right to food in Nepal as well as FIAN International Council meeting in Nepal had made Public Event on global experience and learning sharing on Right to Food and Nutrition possible. In the event, FIAN Sections from all over the world took part. The event was chaired by Chairperson of FIAN Nepal where Honorable member of National Human Rights Commission, Ms Mohana Ansari Honrary, Spokesperson was the Chief Guest and Ms Anita Klum, President of FIAN International was the Special Guest. 5 key speakers from Nepal, Columbia, Burkina Faso, Philipppines and Belgium shared about the right to food movement in their respective countries.

All the speakers expressed their views that the policy makers had little to negligible knowledge on right to food. This lack of knowledge is one of the major challenges in ensuring right to food as a fundamental right and making the world hunger free into reality.

In the event, FIAN Nepal released its publication “Right to food Movement: Journey of a Decade” and FIAN International released “Right to Food and Nutrition Watch”, 2017 edition.

After half day of Public Event, FIAN International continued its International Council Meeting in closed session from 31 October to 4 November. At the end of the meeting, election for International Board was held where Dr. Sarba Raj Khadka is elected as the President of FIAN International.

Find the press statement by FIAN International: New global strategy to empower the people and dismantle corporate influence

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